It Happens on Its Own
Let us guide you in practicing the art of nondoership—allowing everything, including the body’s sensations and healing, to happen on their own. This meditation is for beginners and advanced practitioners, because no one needs to ‘do’ this meditation!
Endless Field
Take a dive into your immortality with this easy but deep meditation. We point out the endless field of your truest self, and help you reap the healing benefits of swimming here. This is a deeply relaxing time.
A Vast Quiet
This meditation gently walks you to the vast quiet you are already connected with. Through sweet, soothing sounds and guidance, we point out the quiet source you are supported by, always right here next to you.
Our Truest Nature
Let us guide you all the way to your truest nature—the field of silent awareness that is never far away. To rest as your true nature is the deepest rest there is. It’s the rest you’ve been looking for.
The Vibration of Your Being
Lean back and relax into the Awareness that you already are. Feeling the natural vibrations and undulations of your body in this moment. It's so sweet when we slow down enough to meet ourselves. Let this space be something supportive and nourishing for you. Nothing to do, nowhere to go.
Radiate & Bloom
Come home to your body. Meditation and music are a massage for the body. It can touch into the deepest spots, move the heart, caress the stomach, shift and dissolve pain. The body hums in approval of these frequencies and these words. Savor the feeling of being massaged like this. Let it be so delicious. Let this meditation wash over your entire body and being.
To Swim as the Ocean Itself
As St. Francis said "What's looking is what you're looking for." We think we need to go and find peace, find awareness, find courage, find our true nature. But just check, right now. Did any of that actually go anywhere? Could they go anywhere? Could they die? Could they be born? It's so obvious once you just sit in your being how all that you seek is just right here, in it's full abundance, for you to receive. We can guide you to that place within yourself.
What’s Here is What You’re Looking For
As St. Francis said "What's looking is what you're looking for." We think we need to go and find peace, find awareness, find courage, find our true nature. But just check, right now. Did any of that actually go anywhere? Could they go anywhere? Could they die? Could they be born? It's so obvious once you just sit in your being how all that you seek is just right here, in it's full abundance, for you to receive. We can guide you to that place within yourself.
That Which is Already Here
Awareness doesn't take effort. It's a light touch, a weightless acknowledgement of that which is already here, looking out of your eyes, breathing your lungs, pumping you blood. In this meditation we point out the ways in which Life is already living you, and by simply coming into the body, we can meet Life as it is, in the moment.
Inhabit Your Being
Embodiment practice is the art of coming into your being, inhabiting all of it's corners, and we do this thru the body first. Let this meditation lead you gently out of your head and into your body, and see what you discover.
Yes, To Everything
This mediation helps you to invite in what is, rather than what isn’t. It’s a practice of acceptance and trust in Life. Available to stream everywhere.
Liquid Awareness
Sinking into the moment is where true safety lies. The deeper into the body you go, the more it begins to feel as if you are sitting in a bath, where you can’t tell where your skin ends and the water begins. This is the power of Awareness, and what this meditation helps you access.
The Space You Are
This voice-only meditation leads you deeply into your body, into the moment, and into Silence. Recorded at the 2021 Kiran Trace Retreat in Santa Cruz, CA, this meditation has a particular potency and effectiveness.
Connected Body
This meditation helps you ground deeply into your physical body, your energy body, and the One Body. Let the rich bass chords drop you fully into the moment.
Silent Field
Access the silent field that is already here. Bringing your awareness into your body, into reality, into the present moment. Just relax, and listen.
The Feeling of Quiet
Short and effective, this meditation enhances your senses, including the tangible feeling of quiet.
Infinite Body
This meditation helps expand your awareness into the energy body and larger One Body.